
Workout Recovery

Well Race Weekend has come and gone and we are tired! It was a jam packed weekend with lots of excitement; we can't wait for the next one!

We've talked about post workout fuel and how to prepare for races and long runs, but what is the best way to recover after that grueling workout or Tower of Terror Ten Miler?

race day!
Read on below for the best recovery tips!

Refueling after a long workout is key for recovery; your post workout snack should be full of protein and the right carbohydrates. Refueling with the right foods helps your muscles heal, your energy levels stabilize, and will prevent muscle soreness. Checkout our list of protein and carb rich post workout snacks, here.

Another key to workout recovery is a good stretching routine. Stretching those overworked limbs is imperative to muscle recovery and healing. Working out the kinks in your hamstrings, calves, and feet, are beneficial for workout recovery; giving those muscles a good workout, then good stretch relives strain, soreness, and over exertion.

Once you've completed your post workout stretching routine and enjoy your snack, you should be ready for successful recovery- your hamstrings and glutes are gonna thank you!

Need a refresher for some of these stretches? Check 'em out:

Tipover Tuck
Heel to Butt (#7)
Wall Pushup (#1-3)

What is your favorite way to recover post-workout? Let us know!


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