
We've Moved!

We have officially moved sites!  But no need to worry we are easy to find... we are now located at! 

Be sure to start visiting this site for our latest updates and posts!

And also, be sure to follow us on Instagram @abiteoffitness and/or like us on facebook- A Bite of Fitness! 

See you all there, 
Jackie and Lindsay 


"Heart Your Heart" Month

Happy February! Wow did January fly by or what? We hope you are still sticking to your goals and remembering that there are "no excuses"!  

We are excited to announce that it is officially "Heart Your Heart" month and we can't wait for all the exciting posts we have to share with you.  Of course, this month celebrates the season of love and it also celebrates something extremely important- your heart!  February is American Heart Month and we want to make sure every single one of you are taking awesome care of your heart!  This month we will have heart healthy recipes, cardio workouts we do to help our heart, and tips on how to keep a healthy heart! You can start by hitting the pavement on this beautiful Saturday by walking or running a 5k!

Later on, we will have some exciting news to share with all of you and we can't wait!  This year is going to be an amazing one for A Bite of Fitness!

Also, we would love you to share the love... make sure you are following us on Instagram @abiteoffitness for even more updates on health and fitness. 

Heart Your Motivators XOXO,