
We All Have One of Those Days...

Where you just feel like a busted can of biscuits. If you follow us on Instagram (@abiteoffitness) you would have seen our post yesterday...

Well yesterday was just one of those days. We've all been there: we don't want to work out, junk food sounds great, and you just feel BLAH. It's important to remember that days like this happen! It's okay to have a day where you aren't as motivated and you just need a breather! It helps stay on track when you allow yourself an extra day off here and there. We need to remember most days are great days! You constantly make healthy decisions and for every healthy decision that's made a day, you WIN. Yes, you do, because you made that conscious decision to be the best version of yourself! 

So when you wake up and feel like an opened can of Pillsbury dough, just make the decision to be healthy. It might even get you on track for the rest of the day! We all have different things that work for us. We listed some of our foolproof ways to get out of that funk below! 

1. Take an extra long walk with your pup! Get that fresh air and some exercise while you're at it!
Our cute walking buddies! oh and it was Carly's birthday yesterday too!
2. Enjoy some warm water with lemon. This relaxing drink gives your metabolism a boost while giving you some time to just relax!

3. Complete a reenergizing 10 minute yoga sequence. It will help give you energy and keep you lean!
before a fun hot yoga class!
4. Sit down and plan your next workout, grocery list, etc. Just planning to be healthy can help re-motivate you! Shopping for new workout gear helps too! You will be so excited to use it! :)

5. Let it happen. You're active and healthy 95% of the week. Curl up on the couch and don't beat yourself up. It happens, so just go with it!

In motivation,

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