
Sun Salutation

I have been so sore the last few days! Between workouts, long hours at work, and the cold that makes my muscles stiff, I have needed to fit in a quick yoga sequence to help my muscles recover. One of my New Years resolutions was to practice yoga once a week. I love practicing yoga but before would never fit it into my schedule. My goal for 2014 is to add it to my weekly workouts. So far so good!

Today before heading out to work I decided on a quick Sun Salutation. This sequence is really quick but you feel all nice and stretched out afterwards. It even gave me a quick energy boost before I left for work! Yoga always relaxes and reenergizes me; it's a perfect workout to get your muscles moving. After my mini yoga session, I completed a 1 minute plank to tone up my core and arms. I try to complete a plank once a day.

Lindsay and I went to a Bikram yoga class last week and we LOVED it. We'll be posting about that soon! :) We hope to become regulars at this studio! #obsessed   

Lindsay and Jackie

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