
Review: Armpocket Arm Band

I had been using this basic one pocket arm band for any type of smartphone when this cute little monster hopped up on my counter and destroyed it.

At the WDW Marathon Weekend expo this past weekend I decided to purchase an Armpocket Arm Band after a rave review from Lindsay. She got her's at the Tower of Terror 10 Miler expo back in October-remember our tips and expo experience from that race?!

I walked up to the booth and was immediately drawn to the brightly colored armbands. My old one was a basic black and reflective silver, not a fun bright color like the ones Armpocket had on display. I was greeting by a rep who showed me the armbands for the iPhone 5- there were two types: one that had additional space for larger phone cases (like Otterbox) and styles that were a bit smaller. I opted for the thinner case since my phone does not have a thick cover.

The inside is just big enough to fit my phone-there is an elastic strap that will keep it in place and protected, as well as another small pocket to keep nutrition, credit cards, your ID, etc. I love that the inside is large enough to keep your valuables organized and protected. It's also accessible enough to get your items while you're running!

The plastic front is touch screen ready and is really easy to switch up your playlist or track your milage. I find that other armbands with a 'touchscreen' front don't always allow for easy scrolling or access to your content. So this is definitely a plus!

This armband does not budge when you start sweating! I've had a lot that move around or slide down your arm when you get into your workout, so I am really happy it stays put! It's also extremely comfortable and doesn't cut off your circulation. It's adjustable velcro strap ensures it fits properly and the wicking material nicely stays moderately dry. 

my bright coral armband-LOVE!

Another issue I've had with armbands in the past was where the headphone access was located. The newer iPhone headphone connection is at the bottom of the phone and one of my last armbands had only top access, making it awkward to string the headphones through. This armband has inconspicuous bottom slits that hold the cord in place, which is super convenient. There's also a little velcro loop to make sure the headphones are secured.
easily fits my nutrition, phone, and ID, cards, etc.
btw, this GU is my FAVE!

One of my favorite things about this armband is the color! ;) It's this brightly colored, neon coral that is my absolute favorite. Lindsay's armband is a super hot pink color, which I love as well. The selection of colors they offer is also a nice benefit, since some basic armbands are just black, silver, etc. 

I've run a few times with this band and am very happy I bought this one! If you're in need of updating your workout gear, this should be your go-to armband. They're available online and come in different styles for whatever phone, iPod, etc. you have. 

Share with us if you have or want one of these!

In health,
Lindsay and Jackie 

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