

Part of our jobs as your motivators is to introduce you to new recipes, workouts, and ways to live a healthy lifestyle.  Today, we happen to have a new workout for you.  Most of you have probably heard of Zumba but how many of you have actually tried it?  Trust me ANYONE can do it.  Zumba is a great way to burn calories , get in some great cardio, and tone up!  
Zumba fitness is basically a dance party.  Classes are easy to follow choreography so everyone can do it, even if you have no rhythm! 

Here you can search for Zumba classes in your area and get the party started! 

Lindsay's mom has been a Zumba-goer for 5 years and has been a certified instructor for 2 years!  Look how great she looks!!! :) 
Here is Lindsay's Mom and Friend about to teach a zumba class!

And a sample of a class is down below:

Lindsay with our good friend Lauren getting ready for Zumba!

Did you know? When you join the party and do a Zumba class you can burn 1000 calories in an hour!


Sorry We've Been MIA...

Happy November!

Sorry we have been MIA for awhile, but we have been working on some great things for everyone! We are ready to start the month off right, with new workouts, recipes, and tips for living a healthy lifestyle! 

Check back soon for new posts and ways to kick off the start of winter the right way!

Your Motivators!

Monday's Motivation!