
Three Tips for Race Week

After six months of training and waiting, the week of our Ten Miler race is finally here! The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Ten Miler is this coming Saturday and we begin running at ten a night! 

The week leading up to a race is important for race day performance. Though this race is a 'fun run' and not a competitive event, it is still important to practice healthy habits all week long! Do these things all week for a happy and healthy race day!

just three days 'til race weekend begins! 

Follow these 3 tips for a successful race week!

1. Hydrate!
One of our favorite tips, keeping up your water intake is crucial for high intensity workouts like running. With excessive physical activity, your body loses water quickly and it is important to hydrate to replenish what's lost. The week of your race, you should up your water intake in order to keep hydrated. The more you hydrate prior to a big run or race, the more your body will be ready for the big day! Alternate both water and a low calorie sports drink like Gatorade or Vitamin Water.

our stash of low calorie, rehydrating drinks
2. Rest!
During the last few days before a big race it's good to give your tired body a break. That's why we like to limit our high impact workouts leading up to race day. We plan for three runs during the week leading up to the big day. It is best not to push yourself too hard the last week, so you are relaxed and ready for the race. Your last high impact workout should be two days prior to the race. Incorporate stretching routines and yoga in the last couple days to remain active and to keep those muscles ready for activity.

3. Prepare!
Since our race is during the evening, we really have all day to get our gear together for the event, however it's ideal to relax as much as possible on the day of the race (or the day before). We plan to gather our stuff together the night before so we are not scrambling at the last minute. Most races have bag checks as well, so it is important to gather the items you want to check so you have everything you need at the race site. Layout the items you will be wearing, your iPod and head phones, water bottle, and any energy gels or snacks for the course. Once you gather your stuff, it's time to relax and wait for the big run!

Now the last minute countdown is on so it's time to remember these tips and relax during the week! Don't forget a little running motivation for the week, too! ;)

What helps you prepare during race week? If you are in town for the Ten Miler, let us know!


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